5 and under
Nathan Skillman-Shampoo
Pippa Kress-Shampoo
Cooper Kress-Shampoo
6-8 Years
1. Aiden Flood-Embroidered Lead bag, Show shine
2 .Josie Parker-Goat Block, shampoo,comb
3. Austin Ellebrecht-Mineral block with holder, Shampoo, comb
9-13 Year
1. Jessica Young-Embroidered Lead bag, show shine
2. Macy Skillman-Goat Block, shampoo,comb
3. Austin Flood-mineral block and holder,shampoo, comb
4. Kenzie Speers-Bucket, scoop, shampoo, comb
5. Kyle Hardesty-Bucket, scoop, shampoo, comb
6. Michael Hardesty-Bucket, scoop, shampoo, comb
14-18 Years
1. Alyssa Parker-Embroidered Lead Bag, Show Shine
2. Emily Cook-Goat Block, Shampoo, comb
3. Jaylene Young-Minerial block and Shampoo, comb
Other participants will also receive Shampoo and combs:
Landon Speers, Jessica Sannar, Meghan Garren, Isa Gilbraith, Emma Gnech, McKenna Rogers